Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the major inquiries we have received so far. We will periodically update this FAQ as necessary.


  • Q1.   

    Am I eligible to apply even though my country is not listed in “the list of the countries or regions which we have accepted in the past” under Applicant Eligibility#2 of the terms and conditions of the essay competition?



    You must be from countries or regions where FALIA recognizes the possibility of contributing to the sound development of the insurance business. Please refer to the list of the countries and regions which we accepted in the past.
    If your country or region is not on the list, please inquire us directly. (FALIA Essay Competition

     FALIA aims for enlightenment and dissemination of sound insurance philosophy through education, guidance, and support. It aims to widely contribute to sound development of insurance business around the world. Based on these goals, we limit the countries of applicants to accept for the competition.




  • Q2. 

     I do not know what theme to choose for the essay.


    The FALIA Essay Competition aims to encourage international students to have an interest in life insurance and know that life insurance could solve social issues. We hope that you take on an intellectual challenge by applying for our essay competition with your favorite choice of theme which arouses your curiosity on social issues. We welcome essays on topics related to life insurance from students of a variety of cultural backgrounds and academic majors. The essays do not necessarily test your level of insurance awareness or essay writing skills.

    On our website we have posted the essay titles for the past four years of the prize winners. Please feel free to refer to these.

    Also, tips for essay-writing are available now. Please refer to these as well.



    当財団のホームページにて、受賞者等の報告の中で過去四年分の論文タイトルを公開しております。そちらをぜひご参考ください。 また論文執筆のヒントも併せてご参照ください。

  • Q3. 

    Should the essay have particular guidelines to follow?



    Yes. Each essay should follow the guidelines as below. A sample essay format is available for your reference.

    -The first page must include the essay title, author’s name, name of university, and the total number of words/characters.

    -The second page must be an abstract of the essay.

    -The second and subsequent pages must not include the author’s name and any other information which can be used to identify the author.

    *We recommend that essays in the following format be submitted.
       >English essays: Double spaced, 12-point font size
       >Japanese essays: 10.5-point font size, 36 lines of 40 characters each per page.

    You can also refer to “APA style” which consists of rules or guidelines for writing.

    Prior to your submission, we would recommend you to have your essay proofread by a native of Japanese (for your essay in Japanese)/a native of English (for your essay in English) if possible. In that case, please state the proofreader’s name in your application form.






     >英文 ダブルスペース、フォントサイズ12
     >和文 フォントサイズ10.5、1ページ当たり40文字×36行

    また、「APA方式」等の代表的なフォーマットを参考にするとよいでしょう。 論文を提出する前には、日本語で論文を書く場合には日本語を母国語とする人に、英語で論文を書く場合には英語を母国語とする人に、「校正、校閲」してもらうことをお勧めします。その場合、その方を応募フォームのアドバイザー欄に記載下さい。

  • Q4.

    Are title/index pages and references included in the word count? If I use graphs and charts in my essay, are they counted as words? If my essay is a little over the limit, is it acceptable?

    表紙、目次、参考文献は字数としてカウントされますか? 論文に図表やグラフを挿入する場合は字数としてカウントされますか?上限文字数、または上限単語数を超えた場合、応募は受け付けられますか?


    The title page, index page and references are not included in the word count.

    Graphs and charts are not counted as words. But please be sure that the main focus of your essay shall be the written texts, and the graphs and charts shall be used as supplemental items to support the point of the arguments in your essay. The essay must not exceed 5000 words in English, or 12000 characters in Japanese.

    ※The first page of your essay must include the total number of words/characters.


    表紙、目次、参考文献は字数としてカウントされません。 図表やグラフは字数としてカウントされません。ただし、論文の展開はあくまでも文章を中心とし、図表やグラフは補足的な役割としてご使用下さい。 応募論文は、日本語の場合上限文字数12,000字、英語の場合上限単語数5,000語とします。


  • Q5.  

    Do I have to indicate sources that I used for my essay?



    Yes, you need to cite and reference properly as Works Cited or Bibliography and referencing footnotes or endnotes. This applies not only to published essays and books, but also to internet sources. If you used generative AI, you should verify the contents by other reference material and clearly indicate such sources. FALIA will scan all the entries with our plagiarism checker. (In case your essay is found to be written in inappropriate manner such as plagiarism, it will result in the cancellation and required reimbursement of the prize.) If you are unsure about how to reference, you can check online with “APA style” which is one of the famous writing guidelines.


    はい、参考文献や引用は必ず明記して下さい。 公刊された論文や書籍ばかりでなくインターネット上の情報も同様です。生成AIを使用した場合も、文献等によって検証し、その出典を明記してください。当財団では、ご応募いただいた論文はすべて、剽窃チェックソフトにて確認させて頂きます。(剽窃等不適切事項発覚の際は、入賞後であっても、賞の取り消しと賞金の返還を求めることがあります。) 参考文献や引用の表記方法がわからない場合は、「APA方式」等の代表的なスタイルを参考にするとよいでしょう。

  • Q6. 

    Is a co-authored essay allowed?



    Yes, it’s allowed. But please make sure that all the members in the group fulfill the applicant eligibilities #1 -3 and apply by the application deadline.



  • Q7.

    In the application form, why is there an entry field for the information if I had any adviser or professor who supervised my essay?



    This is because each prize winner can invite one school official from the Winner’s university to the awards ceremony. In case we find a supervisor’s name filled in the field in the application form, we will invite the supervisor. In case there is no name written in the field, we will invite a professor of your seminar or an official at International Student Office and etc. FALIA will cover the domestic travel expenses (e.g. Airline, Shinkansen, Train) for the awards ceremony.



  • Q8. 

    Is it mandatory that I attend the award ceremony if I am awarded?



    Yes, all prize winners are required to attend the awards ceremony (scheduled for January 24, 2025 in Tokyo). If you cannot participate in the awards ceremony, you will not be deemed eligible for this essay competition.


    はい、入賞者は必ず表彰式(2025年1月24日に東京で開催予定)へ出席する必要があります。 なお、表彰式に出席できない方は入賞対象とはなりません。

  • Q9.

    If I am awarded, what procedures will be required?



    If you are selected as a nominee for one of the prizes after the selection process, you will be required to submit the following documents for the purpose of verification of your eligibility. (FALIA will directly contact those nominees sometime in November - December)

    - Student Registration Certificate (original copy)
    - Copy of Residence Card (both sides)
    - Declaration Form on “Double Posting” etc.


    ・二重投稿でない誓約書 など

  • ここをクリックして表示したいテキストを入力してください。

The Foundation for the Advancement of Life & Insurance Around the world
[Public Interest Incorporated Foundation] 
BELISTA Tower Higashi-Totsuka 401, 91-1, Kawakami-cho,
Totsuka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 244-0805, Japan
Phone  : +81-45-827-2672